Girls in Justice

Eric Chui

Professor, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences; Dean of Students, City University of Hong Kong

Eric Chui is a professor in the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Dean of Students at City University of Hong Kong. Previously, he taught social work and criminology at the University of Exeter (UK), University of Queensland (Australia), and The University of Hong Kong.

His research interests focus on social work, juvenile crime and justice, the effectiveness of probation supervision for young offenders, and young defendants’ views of legal personnel in Hong Kong. Eric was the managing editor and book review editor of the Asian Journal of Criminology and serves on the editorial board of several academic journals, including the Australian Social Work (SSCI), Child & Family Social Work (SSCI), International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (SSCI), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SSCI), and Social Work Education: An International Journal. He is currently the Series Editor of Routledge Studies in Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South.  He has co-authored two books entitled Responding to Youth Crime in Hong Kong: Penal Elitism, Legitimacy and Citizenship (2014, Routledge) and The Hong Kong Legal System (2nd ed.) (2020, Cambridge University Press).

Learn about Eric Chui’s work:

Chinese culture and its influence on female prisoner behavior in the prisoner–guard relationship. (2018) with L. Liu

The Gendered Analysis of Self-Control on Theft and Violent Delinquency: An Examination of Hong Kong Adolescent Population. (2016) with H.C. (Oliver) Chan

Providing Justice for Low-Income Youths: Publicly Funded Lawyers and Youth Clients in Hong Kong. (2015) with K.K. Cheng & R. Ong

Colonial responses to youth crime in Hong Kong: Penal elitism, legitimacy and citizenship. (2013) with M. Adorjan

Outreach social workers for at-risk youth: A test of their attitudes towards crime and young offenders in Hong Kong. (2012) with H.C. (Oliver) Chan


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